John Kunstadter's Photography

My photography honors the Belarusan common man: his wit; his reverence for place; and his deeply-rooted culture as illuminated in faces and gestures, the expression of faith and the rhythm of traditions.  The photographs on my web site and the selection for our 40th reunion site chronicle people and places throughout Belarus.  For the reunion exhibition I have chosen scenes from the marshlands of central Polesia in southern Belarus.  These scenes represent my continuing interpretation of a Belarusan trinity -- the cycle of the year, a new birth of faith, and the union of water and light in Polesia.

Heartfelt thanks to Harry Kangis, David Webster, Lewis Steele and my other classmates who have inspired me to continue this work and to Megan Hawgood for creating my page on the reunion site.  Thanks go as well to countless Belarusan friends who, quietly and calmly spreading the rays of their love for their homeland, move one to recall in gratitude the Words
“Ye are the salt of the earth...Ye are the light of the world.”
-- JK

To see these photos individually and in their intended form, with descriptions, click here, or go to the John Kunstadter Gallery under Photo Gallery in the top menu, then as in all galleries, you can click on any photo to start viewing the photos individually in a lightbox setting.